Although the world seemed to come to a stop for a while, we've remained busy here at Playco Games. It's times like these that make being a small at-home publishing company a blessing because our "office" is where we are spending all of this "stay at home" time anyway.
Luckily, shipping on the pieces we needed to order was not delayed, so we're on track for finishing our most recently funded Kickstarter campaign - the expansion to Epic Monster Tea Party! The new hero meeples have been packaged, the "stomach" bags have arrived, and the game cards are at the printer. As soon as we have those cards in hand, we'll be ready to pack up the Kickstarter orders and ship them out!

If you backed this campaign, first of all, thank you!! Please fill out the survey that was emailed to you so we have your shipping information. If you missed ordering but would like to have a copy, you can pre-order a copy now right here. They should be in the mail this June, as promised.
With no restaurants or bars to go out to until recently, that left Mike and me a lot more time at home to work on a couple of new projects too. Keep watching for updates on those fun things very soon.
In the future, if you want to know what we're up to before the general public gets notified, sign up for our newsletter. They only come out about once a month, so it won't be a lot of added clutter in your inbox, but you just may discover something exciting to keep an eye out for or pick up a great discount code!
Be sure to follow Playco Games on Facebook, Twitter, &/or Instagram to stay in-the-know, join in discussions, & share photos of yourself & what you're currently playing. We love seeing gamers having a great time!
Until next time...